HABs are monitored using two general approaches by scientists and resource managers: (1) monitoring impacts of HABs on (1) lower trophic level organisms like shellfish, (2) higher trophic level organisms like marine mammals, and (3) monitoring the presence of HAB species or toxins in the environment through water sampling.

The WCOA HABs indicator is focused on data linked to impacts compared to data describing the presence of HAB species or toxins in the environment because the mere presence of HAB species or toxins in water samples does not necessarily mean that a harmful impact has occurred. Water sampling serves an important purpose and helps to understand the geographic distribution of various HAB species and toxins, seasonal patterns in blooms and also serves as an indicator of increasing risk of negative impacts of HABs on the environment.


Three main methods are used to measure, assess, and predict harmful algal blooms (HABs):

HAB Toxin Concentrations in Shellfish


Water Sampling


HABs-related Marine Mammal Strandings

Zalophus japonicus (Peters 1866)


There are many excellent Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) monitoring and assessment programs that operate at different spatial scales and use methods different from those of the West Coast Ocean Health Dashboard HABs Indicator. Learn more below!

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California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (NOAA), Ecological Integrity

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Program and Timeline: The California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment examines the bioaccumulation of domoic acid (a HAB toxin) as an element of ecosystem integrity. Domoic acid concentrations in Dungeness crab and razor clams are assessed for all of the West Coast, except Southern California where these species are generally not present. Data availability spans from 1989 to 2023, with the availability varying by species and location.

Geography: West Coast-wide, excluding Southern California.

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator: The California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment assesses the status and 5-year trend of domoic acid concentrations in Dungeness crab and razor clams in relation to the long-term historical average.

Data access: All data is available on their NMFS/SWFSC oceanview ERDDAP server.


CDC's One Health Harmful Algal Bloom System

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access: No direct data access.

Summary reports to 2021 are available here.

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Pacific Northwest HABs Bulletin

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Program and Timeline:


Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:



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Program and Timeline:


Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:


Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:


Oregon Department of of Fish and Wildlife

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:


California Department of Fish and Wildlife

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:


California Department of Public Health Biotoxin Reports

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:


California Ocean Protection Council Annual State of the Coast and Ocean Report

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

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California Imaging FlowCytobot Network

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:

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California Marine HAB-Related Illness Tracking

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:


California Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Alert Program

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:


CalEPA Office of Health Hazard Assessment: Indicators of Climate Change in California

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:


California HABs Bulletin

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Program and Timeline:

Alignment with the West Coast Ocean Alliance HABs indicator:

Data access:


HABs Stories

Harmful algae can contaminate seafood and drinking water with toxins, make humans and marine wildlife very sick, slow tourism, damage the environment, and kill fish.

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Interactive HABs Map

Do you have data or stories that should be included here?
Please get in touch with us!